1·Examine can avoid artificial factor on the net, make examination more fair, reasonable, objective and true, and truly attain a purpose of raising the quality of workers.
2·The administrative departments of labor security may entrust the accountant firms to make examination and verification on payer entities' payment of social insurance premiums.
3·With the approaching College Entrance Examination, we have to make the most of the time left.
4·The gorgeous screen is slightly bigger than the iPhone’s; on close examination, its higher resolution (854 x 480 pixels) make text look sharper and curves smoother.
非常棒的屏幕比 iPhone 的稍大一点;仔细检查发现,Droid 较高的分辨率(854 x 480像素)使得文本看起来更清晰、线条也更流畅。
5·If you are determined to make the grade in the entrance examination, you must work extra hard.
6·To make the examination comfortable, you will be sedated during the procedure, and, therefore, you will need someone to drive you home afterward.
7·If I were looking to put this classifier in production, I would make a much deeper examination of the inputs and other Settings, trying to eke out every last bit of performance.
8·First, through examination the examinees can check their work and get aware of which aspects they have not done well, so that they'll make much improvement in their work afterwards.
9·Fine, is in the process of study, review and examination, carefully, carefully, try not to make any mistakes.
10·Through examination the examinees can check their work and become aware of which aspects they have not done well, so that they'll make much improvement in their work.